Our Mission

The Wildlife Solutions Foundation is registered by the Chamber of Commerce in Schiphol (no. 87833018) with RSIN: 864420791. Our income comes from donations and every euro is used in the operational field.

Policy plan
The policy plan of the Wildlife Solutions Foundation provides a picture of our objectives, approach and most important activities for the period 2023 to 2027, and of the method of fundraising and its management. The plan is updated at least once every 4 years.

Annual report
In the annual report, we account for the developments and activities carried out by Wildlife Solutions. The annual report has a financial section that accounts for the funds raised in the Netherlands and their use. The annual report is published on the website and sent to donors and relations.

Remuneration Policy
The Wildlife Solutions Foundation has not reached any employees, so no remuneration policy has been established. The expenses incurred by board members (travel, meetings) are not declared or reimbursed.
Policy plan 2023 – 2027

Before you lies the policy plan of the Wildlife Solutions Foundation (founded in 2023) for the period 2023 – 2027. This starts with the working method, the way of raising money, the expenditure and the management of the funds acquired by the foundation, in accordance with the requirements for public benefit Targeting organizations of ANBIs. The RSIN number is 864420791. In addition, an annual report is produced and published on the website, describing the work carried out and accounting for the finances.
The Wildlife Solutions Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation registered in the Netherlands, which is committed to the conservation and restoration of wild life, mainly in Africa and the rest of the world. The Wildlife Solutions Foundation is involved in fundraising in the Netherlands.

The Wildlife Solutions Foundation is committed to the conservation and restoration of wild life in Africa and the rest of the world.

Supporting the improvement of skills, knowledge and operational conditions of nature conservationists, in order to stop or prevent nature and environmental crime; and accepting whatever agrees or may be familiar. This purpose does not include making distributions to the founder of any part of the foundation’s organs.

Wildlife Solutions’ work is based on a comprehensive manual that has been specially developed to tackle poaching as a whole, from every angle and every step of the process.
We are pioneering an intelligence-based approach to anti-poaching. We train local rangers to be able to conduct future training themselves. Thanks to our training, they can work in a closed environment while staying safe.
We finance and provide field anti-poaching training. Wildlife Solutions has launched the knowledge, skills and capabilities on how to support local rangers to combat poaching after the trainers have left. This enables the rangers to maintain and grow their effective effectiveness by developing programs that last for a long time.
In addition to providing the anti-poaching training, we are discovering that we are partners of essential development and community development programs to be implemented in the areas where we work.
As of mid-2023, Wildlife Solutions has a project in Nepal and the Central African Republic

Organization structure

Board, management and remuneration policy
The Wildlife Solutions Foundation has a board consisting of 3 members:

Erik Groenendijk, Chairman
Riejanne de Zeeuw, Secretary
Peter Kales, Treasurer

The board meets two to three times a year. In this policy period, joint efforts will be made to further develop the management. Board members endorse their support for Wildlife Solutions through active participation in fundraising activities. They do not receive any remuneration and are also responsible for all travel, accommodation and other costs. Directors can remain on the board for multiple terms.

The Wildlife Solutions Foundation mainly focuses on fundraising. They do this through private individuals of organizations in the Netherlands to benefit from the good work of Wildlife Solutions and to investigate whether donations are reused, by setting up special promotions for the general public of vertical target groups, such as students. The Wildlife Solutions Foundation is therefore dependent on beneficiaries for the largest part of its income. In addition to being a donor, there are various other ways to support Wildlife Solutions, such as voluntary fundraising or donation in kind.

Destination funds
The funds collected by the Wildlife Solutions Foundation are exclusively intended for Wildlife Solutions to support and stimulate this organization They do this through private individuals of organizations in the Netherlands to benefit from the good work of Wildlife Solutions and to investigate whether donations are reused, by setting up special promotions for the general public of vertical target groups, such as students. The Wildlife Solutions Foundation is therefore dependent on beneficiaries for the largest part of its income. In addition to being a donor, there are various other ways to support Wildlife Solutions, such as voluntary fundraising or donation in kind.

The following documents are available on request:

Articles of association

Chamber of Commerce